The Apprentice: White House campaign

Note to wife:

Donald Trump first started to gain political traction back in 2011 by claiming President Obama wasn’t born in the United States, and therefore was not a legitimate president. Trump was publicizing some alt-right conspiracy theories about Obama having a forged birth certificate. Our own Sheriff Joe Arpaio, being the publicity hound that he is, jumped on the “birther” bandwagon and famously sent a posse member to Hawaii to investigate. Nothing came of it, of course.

After long ignoring the trumped-up issue, Obama eventually released his long-form birth certificate proving he was born in Hawaii, and the birther controversy was thoroughly discredited by 2013. This week, Trump finally admitted that he believes Obama was indeed born in the U.S.

However, in his usual overkill, Trump now blames Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign for starting the controversy — another claim that has been discredited. And, in typical self-bravado, Trump takes credit for putting the issue to rest because his questions forced Obama to offer proof. Yet until now, Trump has continued to cast doubts about Obama’s place of birth.

It’s just another example of The Donald playing loose with the facts and rewriting history to fit his own delusional view of reality. Instead of acting like a leader, he repeatedly comes across as an “apprentice” (the title of his former “reality” TV show).


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