America’s newest export

Note to wife: ‘Nuf said. Continue reading
Note to wife: ‘Nuf said. Continue reading
Note to wife: Since President Trump hasn’t convinced Congress to fund his “beautiful wall” on the Mexican border, he has now declared a “national emergency,” which allows him to secure money from other sources within the government. (What ever happened… Continue reading
Note to wife: Admittedly this year’s version of the Winter Wonderland cartoon reflects abnormal conditions elsewhere, thanks to the “polar vortex.” Yesterday’s high in Chicago was -14 and the low -23. This was in actual degrees, not windchill factor. So… Continue reading
Note to wife: Today the Arizona Legislature convenes for a new session. I first created this cartoon in 2005 and, sadly, have not had to change a single word since. Arizonans have a strange capacity for electing leaders who have… Continue reading
Note to wife: Looks like Putin’s interference in the 2016 election is paying off big time as America begins to self-destruct. Continue reading
Note to wife: We are in the midst of the most brutal midterm election season in a long time. Attack ads are not new, but the severity, distortion and prevalence of this year’s campaign messaging has set new lows for… Continue reading
Note to wife: I know . . . you’re not a sports fan, so you don’t care. But while waiting in line at the store you might hear people talking about the dismal state of Phoenix’s professional teams. Today’s the… Continue reading
Note to wife: Demagoguery is the method used by an orator or political leader to gain power by arousing people’s emotions and prejudices. We all know President Trump is a demagogue. His comments at a rally yesterday brought into sharp… Continue reading
Note to wife: The U.S. Senate has three office buildings adjacent to the Capitol building itself. John McCain’s office was in the Richard Russell Senate Office Building during all six of his Senate terms. Before entering politics, McCain was the… Continue reading
Note to wife: An Arizona legend, an American legend. Continue reading