
Note to wife:

Donald Trump is a thrice-married casino owner, adulterer, racist, liar, hedonist and bully. He’s petty, vindictive, intolerant, hugely egotistical, boorish and sacrilegious. And as demonstrated by the recent release of that Access Hollywood tape, he doesn’t really respect women. In short, he’s not the type of presidential candidate evangelicals would typically support.

But Hillary Clinton has been so demonized that many in the religious right community are indeed backing Trump. The argument VP candidate Mike Pence has been making to congregations is that Trump will appoint an anti-abortion justice to the Supreme Court, but who knows what he would really do? (After all, Trump has donated to Planned Parenthood in the past.)

OK, there’s the “lesser of two evils” argument, but which candidate is truly more “evil”?

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