Good for business


Note to wife:

Up till now, all modern-day U.S. presidents who have businesses or investments, place these holdings in what is called a “blind trust” – meaning, they are administered by a trustee without the president’s knowledge. This is done to preclude any appearance of conflict of interest.

Because he is not legally bound to do so (which is incredible in itself, given the modern business world), Donald Trump said he has no intention separating himself from running his businesses, which are located in at least 18 countries.

(Side note: Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who helps lead her father’s empire, was quickly marketing the bracelet she wore from her own Fine Jewelry line on 60 Minutes the Sunday after the election.)

The danger is that Trump will use his position as president to enhance his business interests, potentially at the expense of the national interest — or at the very least, he will leave himself vulnerable to conflict-of-interest charges.

Oh, and about the revised Great Seal of the United States: our national motto, e pluribus unum, means “out of many, one.” Given the current political climate, I’ve changed it to e pluribus dicsidium, or “out of many, division.”

UPDATE: Trump now says he will sever ties to his businesses but, as usual, details are sketchy.

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