Relic from the Stone Age

Note to wife: This one is self-explanatory. Trump is like a horror from the past. And of course the news media can’t get enough. Continue reading
Note to wife: This one is self-explanatory. Trump is like a horror from the past. And of course the news media can’t get enough. Continue reading
Note to wife: For some reason that really makes no sense, the presidential primary season kicks off in Iowa, where voters “caucus” to pick their candidates. The media and the politicians place great importance on the result because it is… Continue reading
Note to wife: With Donald Trump and Ted Cruz leading the national polls as primary season nears, some Republicans are downright giddy about the possibility of nominating two candidates with conservative (even extremist) views to face the Democrats in November’s… Continue reading
Note to wife: “Truthiness” is defined as the quality of feeling like something is true, even if it’s not. The word was popularized in 2005 by fake TV “political pundit” Stephen Colbert. The recent debates among Republican presidential candidates have… Continue reading