The agony of defeat

Note to wife: I know . . . you’re not a sports fan, so you don’t care. But while waiting in line at the store you might hear people talking about the dismal state of Phoenix’s professional teams. Today’s the… Continue reading
Note to wife: I know . . . you’re not a sports fan, so you don’t care. But while waiting in line at the store you might hear people talking about the dismal state of Phoenix’s professional teams. Today’s the… Continue reading
Note to wife: I know you’re not a sports fan, but our professional football team, the Arizona Cardinals, were one win away from going to the Super Bowl. (You’ve heard of the Super Bowl, right?) But in yesterday’s game, the… Continue reading
| PUBLICATIONS | So who do the experts pick to win Super Bowl 50? One group of pros, at Sports Illustrated magazine, pick your Arizona Cardinals. Five of the 11 writers polled believe Carson Palmer and company will take the… Continue reading