America’s newest export

Note to wife: ‘Nuf said. Continue reading
Note to wife: ‘Nuf said. Continue reading
Note to wife: Today the Arizona Legislature convenes for a new session. I first created this cartoon in 2005 and, sadly, have not had to change a single word since. Arizonans have a strange capacity for electing leaders who have… Continue reading
Note to wife: OK, so maybe gun safety at foster homes isn’t a big issue, but it’s characteristic of the mindset that pervades the gun lobby and our legislature — namely, remove ANY gun law, no matter what the scope.… Continue reading
Note to wife: Today the state legislature convenes for a new session. I first created this cartoon in 2005 and, sadly, have not had to change a single word since. Arizonans have a strange capacity for electing legislators who have… Continue reading
Note to wife: As long as members of Congress and state legislatures are in the pocket of the National Rifle Association, no meaningful gun restrictions will be enacted — even for military-style weapons such as the Las Vegas shooter was… Continue reading
Note to wife: Today the state legislature convenes for a new session. I first created this cartoon in 2005 and, sadly, have not had to change a single word since. Arizonans have a strange capacity for electing legislators who have… Continue reading