“Truthiness” is reality


Note to wife:

“Truthiness” is defined as the quality of feeling like something is true, even if it’s not. The word was popularized in 2005 by fake TV “political pundit” Stephen Colbert.

The recent debates among Republican presidential candidates have included an astounding number of misstatements, fact-fudging and, most incredibly, outright lies. Some candidates, such as Donald Trump, are just making stuff up. Ben Carson is almost as bad, ready to restate misinformation that sounds right to him. (The scenario pictured above didn’t actually happen, but represents the kind of fantasy facts that are being presented to voters this election season.)

It used to be that the news media had the responsibility of pointing out inaccuracies that politicians utter. But these days, especially with some outlets operating from a particular political point of view, it seems anything goes. Fact-checking gets in the way of a good show.

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